Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself...
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As Texas gears up for the November election, voters in House District 57 will be presented with a unique opportunity to bring fresh, principled leadership to the state legislature.
My name is Darren Hamilton, and I am the Libertarian candidate running to represent District 57 in the Texas House of Representatives serving most of central Denton County, and I am committed to offering a bold vision for a more individual-centered, freedom-focused future for Denton County and Texas.
About My Candidacy
[For those of you who are unfamiliar with candidate introductions, a good part of the rest of this section is where I try to blow sunshine up your ass with campaign promises that I will only be able to keep if I am elected which is, quite frankly, highly unlikely. All of this is absolutely true, and even though I don't really want to do this, I am told it's obligatory, so here it is.]
My candidacy stands as a beacon for those who believe in the core principles of Libertarianism: personal freedom, limited government intervention, and free markets. My campaign is driven by a commitment to reduce government interference in your lives, lower taxes as much as possible, and empower each Texan to make their own choices without unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles. I envision a Texas where every individual can thrive without the heavy hand of government dictating your choices. I advocate policies that promote economic growth by fostering a competitive, innovative business environment. My approach includes reducing regulatory burdens that stifle entrepreneurship and ensuring that all Texans have the freedom to pursue their own economic goals.
At the heart of my campaign is a deep respect for personal liberties. I believe that government should serve as a protector of individual rights rather than a curtailer of freedoms. This means advocating for criminal justice reforms that emphasize rehabilitation over punishment, safeguarding privacy rights in an increasingly digital world, and ensuring that our freedom of speech remains uncompromised.
My stance on education underscores my belief in parental choice and local control. I support policies that allow families to choose the best educational paths for their children, whether that means expanding access to charter schools or supporting homeschooling, but does not extend to providing educational vouchers.
In an era where fiscal responsibility is often overshadowed by growing government spending, my commitment to a balanced budget and prudent fiscal policies is one that I hope voters in District 57 will find both refreshing and necessary. I aim to cut unnecessary spending and ensure that taxpayer dollars are used efficiently and effectively. My economic plan focuses on reducing the state's financial footprint while promoting policies that stimulate job creation and economic expansion.
My economic strategy includes advocating for tax reforms that benefit individuals and small businesses alike. By simplifying the tax code and lowering tax rates, I believe that Texans will have more disposable income and small businesses will be better positioned to invest and grow.
My campaign is marked by a dedication to transparency and accountability. I believe that government officials should be answerable to all of their constituents, not just the ones who voted for them, and that decisions should be made with the utmost integrity. I am committed to an open dialogue with any of District 57's residents, ensuring that their voices are heard and their concerns are addressed.
Choosing me for Texas House District 57 is not just about electing a representative; it's about endorsing a vision for a Texas where individual freedom and personal responsibility are paramount. My candidacy represents a shift toward a more principled approach to governance - one that trusts in the capabilities of its citizens and seeks to minimize governmental overreach.
As Election Day approaches, consider what kind of leadership will best serve the values and interests of District 57. My Libertarian platform promises to return to foundational principles that prioritize freedom, economic prosperity, and individual rights. In a time when many feel disillusioned by conventional politics, I stand ready to offer a refreshing alternative grounded in true Libertarian ideals.
About Myself
First, let me be very clear about this: I am many things, but one thing I am NOT is a politician. By profession, I am a data analyst, statistician, and database engineer. I am a Marine, a husband, father, and grandfather. I am an autistic and a video gamer. I am a polymath and an autodidact. Of the many things I've done, though, meeting and talking to new people is my Kryptonite. I have a form of high-functioning autism formerly known as Asperger's Syndrome. As a consequence of this condition, I'm not really comfortable in new or different (at least for me) situations
Let me assure you that I am not blinded by naivete, or by wearing rose-colored lenses. As a candidate from an alternative political party, I already know going into this contest that the possibilities of actually winning this seat are about as likely as the mullet returning to fashion. It is my belief that there are more than two types of Texans, and ALL of them deserve to be represented in Austin. As a Marine, we don't fight the battles that we know we can win; we fight the battles that need fighting, win or lose, regardless of the circumstances.
I believe that each person is unique - an individual with individual needs, thoughts, and dreams, and individual responsibilities. As such, I believe that you are the best person to decide what to do for you and your family, not big government. I believe that the very diverse nature of our families, our friends, and our neighbors deserve to be represented in the Texas legislature. I believe that people should decide the laws, not government agents or political parties. I believe that if people are not harming others, they should be free to live their own lives and pursue their own interests free from intrusion or interference by the government into their personal lives, family lives, and business decisions. I look forward to discussing more of the REAL issues that concern all of us here in north Texas between now and November, and I hope that something I say might have you look at the issues that matter most to you and the ones that you love.
I believe that it is long past time for there to be a consistent voice for liberty and accountability in Austin. Let me be that voice for you.
- What I Mean by "NOT Politics as Usual" [Article Link]
- Why My Candidacy is Different [Article link]