My Opinions
The Quadrennial Circus (Series)
It seems like we have to go through the same futile exercise every four years; complaints about how the Electoral College is antiquated and confusing and should be eliminated to leave the vote for President (and Vice-President) up to a "popular vote". Not only do I think this is a very bad idea, but it also goes against everything that the Framers put into place to begin with.
- The Quadrennial Circus
- Leading by Popularity
- Eliminate the Winner-Take-All Rule
- The Illusion of Choice
- Proposing Constitutional Amendments
- Freedom Over Fear
- Electoral College History
- A Return to Classic Politics
- An Abusive Relationship
- Choosing a Candidate
- They're Looking in the Wrong Place
- Victimizing Protest Voters
- Spoiler Candidates
- You Deserve Better
- Approval Voting
- Republic vs Democracy
- The 5% Club
Modern Medieval Mayhem (Series)
No, not the quirky, fun dinner show, or the multi-week celebration that presents itself to Texas every October and November. I mean about looking at the similarities and differences between our modern American society and that of the European Medieval period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Renaissance. I mean, back then, your biggest worries were dragons, plague, and whether or not the king’s daughter would find you attractive enough to get you out of the peasants' quarters. These days, instead of dragons, we battle with the never-ending quest for the perfect selfie angle.
- Modern Medieval Mayhem
- Gender Bias
- Combatting Racism
- Censorship (or "What I Know That You Shouldn't")
- The Rise of Christian Nationalism
- We Need More Robin Hoods
Other Opinions
- The Appeal of Authoritarianism - What is it about His Orangeness that so many people, not just rank-and-file Republicans, find appealing? This is a question that so many of us who live "in between the bright lights and the far, unlit unknown" have struggled with for the past eight years (and counting).
- America's Newest Crime Spree - Obviously, I'm just another feeble-minded old man because I don't understand America's newest crime spree. Even existing laws are being ignored by these desperate criminals. (Hint: it's not about immigration.)
- Pushing an Authoritarian Police State - On Wednesday (31-Jan-2024), Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton brought a lawsuit against 5 Texas cities (including Denton) over their common policy of decriminalizing cannabis. How this is NOT about pushing an authoritarian police state?
- Government Control - Governments don't really like to govern but they LOVE to control, and personal freedom always seems to take a back seat regardless of the topic. Is it better to let government and its army of Faucis and Morgenthaus decide for you? Personally, I think I'd rather risk the possibility of being wrong. THAT is "personal freedom."
- (Not) Television Reruns - Our political systems are stuck in a loop. Neither of the Old Parties has been able to find newer candidates to lead their presidential tickets. So, it appears that we are going to be forced to endure a 2024 rematch between His Orangeness and Sir Senility, both of whom are older than the much-maligned Boomer generation (but definitely NOT wiser).