LGBTQ+ Issues
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Greetings, humans and humanoid beings of all other persuasions. Today, we are going to delve into the fabulous world of LGBTQ+ issues, where rainbows reign supreme and stereotypes are "just so last season." Just to be clear, I'm going to avoid the alphabet soup. Mostly, it's because I don't really like soup, but also because, for many of us, it's like trying to remember all of the acronyms of a secret spy organization (except that everyone's outfits are way more sparkly).
What's fortunate for me is that, as a straight man, I know a number of people who can prance through this landscape with all of the grace of a unicorn at a disco, so I depend on them to keep me from looking too much like the pig on roller skates that I obviously am.
"The righteous rise with burning eyes of hatred and ill will. Mad men fed on fear and lies to beat and burn and kill."
So, let's take a look at how each political party views issues surrounding the LGBTQ+ community.
Republicans on LGBTQ+ Issues
"Watching greyscale on a color TV. We know there are colors, but we really don't want to see them."
The Republican Party has historically held more conservative views on divisive issues. With many Republicans prioritizing religious freedom, some believe that businesses, organizations, and individuals should not be compelled to participate in activities or provide services that contradict their religious beliefs. Republicans have traditionally supported the definition of marriage as between one man and one woman which has often been translated into opposition to same-gender marriage and support for policies or legislation that uphold this definition.
There is a belief in limited government intervention in social issues, which can lead to skepticism or opposition towards expansive LGBTQ+ rights legislation that some Republicans view as infringing upon personal or religious freedoms. Republicans have also often opposed issues specifically related to transgender rights. There is often support for policies that maintain separate accommodations, such as access to restrooms and participation in sports, according to biological gender rather than based on gender identity.
"Features distorted in the flickering night. Faces are twisted and grotesque. Silent and stern in the sweltering night, the mob moves like demons possessed. Quiet in conscience, calm in their 'right', confident their ways are best."
One issue that seems to add fuel to the fire of Republican confusion is pronouns: those pesky little words that determine if you’re referring to someone as he, she, they, or the oracle of Delphi. It’s like Mad Libs, but with feelings. Pro tip: if you’re unsure, just ask! It’s less awkward than accidentally referring to someone as a “he” when they identify as a “they”. Then, there's the dress code that is best explained as “Express Yourself.” From sequined drag queen ensembles to the laid-back flannel chic of the lesbian community, fashion is the battlefield where we all fight the good fight for self-expression. Just remember, if your socks don’t clash, are you even trying?
"Quick to judge, quick to anger, slow to understand. Ignorance and prejudice and fear walk hand in hand."
Democrats on LGBTQ+ Issues
"Inclusion means adding even more letters to the alphabet soup."
Overall, the Democratic Party tends to align with progressive positions on LGBTQ+ issues, viewing them through a lens of equality, civil rights, and social justice. They advocate for equal rights and protections for LGBTQ+ individuals, including non-discrimination laws in employment, housing, and public accommodations. They often push for the passage of laws that explicitly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Democrats have been strong proponents of marriage equality, supporting the legalization of same-gender marriage nationwide, and often support policies that protect and affirm the rights of transgender individuals, including access to healthcare, legal recognition of gender identity, and protection from discrimination. They also advocate for policies that support LGBTQ+ youth, such as anti-bullying measures in schools and support for homeless LGBTQ+ youth.
"And those who know what's best for us must rise and save us from ourselves."
When it comes to activism, the LGBTQ+ community doesn’t mess around. They’re like a rainbow-clad army of justice, armed with glitter and a killer playlist. Because nothing says, “Equality Now!” like a well-coordinated flash mob to Lady Gaga’s greatest hits. And consider the age-old tradition of coming out. It’s like dropping the hottest gossip of the century, but instead of drama, you get supportive hugs and confused grandparents trying to figure out what TikTok has to do with it.
Libertarians on LGBTQ+ Issues
"If you're in a bathroom long enough to worry about a person's genitals, YOU are the creep."
Libertarians believe that, as long as your actions are not harming others, how you choose to live your life is your business, who you choose to love is your business, what you choose to put into your body is your business, that your own health and well-being is also your business - and no one else's. When an individual's actions have no impact on anyone besides themselves, we believe that nobody else has the right to assert ANY form of dominion over that person's identity or lifestyle.
Like most Libertarians, quite frankly, I don't care. Feel free to use all of the initials you want to use to identify your particular choice of lifestyle, none of it changes my presumption that you are a person and that you (hopefully) have a brain.
No matter how you choose to express your right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", we must embrace and celebrate the diversity of Texas and Texans by honoring and respecting each individual's right to be who they choose to be, to love who and how they choose to love, and to live how they want to live.
Love is love, folks. Whether you’re into romantic comedies, romantic tragedies, or romantic comedies that tragically turn into a soap opera, the heart wants what it wants. And sometimes that’s a partner who prefers skydiving over candlelit dinners, or maybe a candlelit dinner WHILE skydiving because variety is the spice of life and adventure is out there! So, whether you’re as straight as a ruler or as queer as a unicorn in stilettos, remember to laugh, love, and always be yourself—even if “yourself” includes a collection of neon wigs and a pet ferret named Fabio.
Now go forth, spread glitter, and remember: love wins, because who doesn’t love a happy ending?
Conservative Christians Wouldn't Vote for Jesus [Article Link]
As long as he had an "R" beside his name on the ballot, conservative Christians would overwhelmingly vote for B.L.Z. "Bubba" Morningstar.