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 NOT "Politics as Usual" 

About Darren

My name is Darren Hamilton, and I am the Libertarian candidate running to represent District 57 in the Texas House of Representatives serving most of central Denton County, and I am committed to offering a bold vision for a more individual-centered, freedom-focused future for Denton County and Texas. 

What I Mean by "NOT Politics as Usual"

First, I don't want your money. I realize that seems unusual to hear from someone in a political campaign, but it's true. Don't get me wrong; I'll absolutely take it if you want to give it, but I would rather ask for your support for my campaign. What's unfortunate is that our electoral system is a "first-past-the-post" (FPTP) system that virtually assures that the most popular candidate in each race wins, whether they are qualified for the position or not. But here's what they won't tell you: it's not up to THEM to determine if I'm qualified or not, it's up to YOU.  

Stop for a moment and ask yourself what's important to you and your family. Then, go out and vote for THAT! No one can run your life better than you.

The Porcupine's Quill [30-Aug] (News)

Migrant Cross-Country Bus Tour Slows; Abbott's Voter Roll Purge; Abbott and Costello "Who's on First?" Redux; Costello is Un-Fair




Libertarian Policies and Platforms (Series)

A political platform is an official statement of values, principles, and policies. It serves to inform voters of a party's (or candidate's) positions and to differentiate it from its competitors. Essentially, a platform outlines the key goals and stances that a party (or candidate) supports. These are usually designed to appeal to the general public with the ultimate purpose of garnering support and votes on complex topics or issues. When you hear about a party's (or candidate's) platform, it's essentially their roadmap for governance and the basis on which they seek public support.

The Quadrennial Circus (Series)

It seems like we have to go through the same futile exercise every four years; complaints about the Electoral College, complaints about third-party interference, complaints ad nauseum but never solutions.

Modern Medieval Mayhem (Series)

If you have ever looked around at our modern world and wondered, "where have I seen this before?", then you're not alone. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how different our lives are today compared to medieval times. No, not the quirky, fun dinner show, or the multi-week celebration that presents itself to Texas every October and November. I mean about looking at the similarities and differences between our modern American society and that of the European Medieval period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Renaissance. I mean, back then, your biggest worries were dragons, plague, and whether or not the king’s daughter would find you attractive enough to get you out of the peasants' quarters. These days, instead of dragons, we battle with the never-ending quest for the perfect selfie angle.

My Autistic Experience (Series)

How do you describe an experience? Is it really possible to make someone who has no common frame of reference understand your experience? Let's find out...

Other Opinions

It's not very often that we discover that everything fits neatly into a specific box, and that's certainly not the case with many of the opinions and issues that I advocate. Here are some of my other opinions on a few wide-ranging topics.


The Libertarian Quiz

Have the Republicans and Democrats let you down? Maybe you're a Libertarian. Take this quiz to find out.


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