2024 iVoter Guide Questionnaire
(from their website) Elections are the front lines of an everyday, year-round, fifty-state battle for the soul of our country. iVoterGuide is fighting the good fight by equipping everyday Americans with the tools they need to vote wisely.
You can compare my responses with those of my opponents here.
Right to Life
1. Under what circumstances should an elective abortion be allowed?
The fundamental principle of Libertarianism is the right of individuals to make their own choices about their bodies. From this perspective, a woman should have the right to decide for herself whether to continue or terminate a pregnancy as it is a matter of personal autonomy and bodily integrity. Imposing restrictions on elective abortion infringes on individual rights and freedoms.
2. Chemical abortion drugs should meet essential safety standards (such as in-person consultation with a medical doctor) and require reporting to gather evidence on reactions and outcomes.
Agree. Chemical drugs, regardless of their purpose, should meet essential safety standards to ensure that they are safe for personal use. The focus of these standards, however, should be established in clear, evidence-based results without unnecessary bureaucratic obstacles. Reporting requirements should be designed to gather necessary information to protect public health without being overly burdensome or intrusive and should be kept confidential.
3. Abortion providers, including Planned Parenthood, should not receive taxpayer funds from federal, state, or local governments (including Title X grants).
Agree. Taxpayer monies should not be used to fund organizations that provide services like abortion, including Planned Parenthood. This is rooted in my belief that individuals should not be compelled to support through their taxes any activities that they may morally or ethically oppose. Such funding involves force (through taxation) to support causes that some people may disagree with. Instead, I advocate for a system where individuals can choose to support or not support specific organizations and causes through voluntary contributions rather than through compulsory taxation.
4. I support 'aid in dying' laws which legalize assisted suicide and euthanasia.
Agree. If an individual wants to end their life or seek assistance in doing so due to suffering or terminal illness, it is seen as their personal choice. Just as people have the right to make decisions about their bodies in other contexts, they should have the freedom to make decisions about their own end-of-life care, including the choice to end their life if they are facing unbearable suffering, and the government should not interfere in these deeply personal decisions.
1. Free enterprise and the right to private property are essential elements of a productive economic system.
2. What is your position on the minimum wage?
Wages should be determined by the market, where employers and employees negotiate based on supply and demand. Both should be free to set wages without governmental interference and should have the autonomy to negotiate their own terms of employment.
3. Should environmental and social issues, like ESG (environmental, social, and governance) ratings, be used as a criteria in deciding where to invest public monies?
No. Investment decisions should be made based on market principles rather than political or social considerations. The primary duty of fund managers should be to maximize returns for beneficiaries, and incorporating ESG factors might conflict with this goal. If private investors or fund managers choose to use ESG criteria, they should be free to do so as long as it's a voluntary choice and not enforced by government policy.
Religious Liberty
1. Under what circumstances can government close churches?
Government should have no authority to close churches for any reason. Freedom of religion is a fundamental right and individuals should be free to practice their religion without government interference including the right to gather in places of worship.
Such actions infringe on personal freedoms and autonomy, and are a violation of individual rights. Religious institutions should be free to manage their own affairs, including health and safety measures, without government intervention.
2. Individuals and businesses should be required to provide services even if it would violate their moral and/or religious beliefs.
Strongly Disagree. Everyone should have the freedom to choose for themselves with whom they do business. Forcing any entity to provide services that conflict with their personal beliefs infringes on their freedom of association and autonomy. They should have the autonomy to operate according to their owners' values and principles, which includes deciding whom to serve and under what conditions. If they are unwilling to provide a service, the marketplace provides alternative options without government intervention.
1. What most closely matches your view on healthcare? A) Healthcare for all should be guaranteed and funded by the government with no private healthcare option (includes "universal healthcare", "Medicare for all", etc.); B) Healthcare insurance funded by the government should be available for all who want it, along with private healthcare options. C) Medicaid and Medicare should remain available, but no other taxpayer-funded programs are necessary. D) Taxpayer funded healthcare should be abolished in all forms, and Medicaid and Medicare should be defunded.
C. Healthcare should be provided through the free market rather than through government funding. People should be free to choose their own healthcare plans and providers, and should not rely on government subsidies. However, it should also be realized that not everyone has this ability, so programs such as Medicare and Medicaid should continue to be available for the foreseeable future.
2. Under what circumstance (if any) should a government, school, or employer be allowed to require vaccinations?
Government mandates to require vaccinations infringe upon personal freedom and autonomy. Health decisions, including vaccinations, should be made by individuals based on their own circumstances and values rather than being imposed by the government.
National Security
1. The Chinese Communist Party poses serious military, cyber security, intellectual property, and global economic threats to the United States.
Agree. The US should institute non-confrontational measures to secure protections for ourselves and our interests, but should not initiate any actions against any party for any reason except in self-defense.
2. Is the United States' relationship with Israel important, and if so, why?
The diplomatic relationship between the US and Israel should be maintained, but we should respect Israel's sovereignty and avoid becoming overly involved in its domestic or regional issues. While critical of military aid or intervention, I advocate for strong economic ties with Israel and trade relations that are mutually beneficial based on free-market principles rather than on political or military alliances.
1. The US should do more to secure the southern border.
Disagree. Restrictive immigration policies and heavy border controls can infringe on personal liberties and economic opportunities. While some form of border security is necessary to protect national sovereignty and prevent illegal activities, the extent of government intervention should be minimal. Border security measures should be designed to prevent violations of property rights, such as illegal entry or smuggling, rather than imposing broad restrictions on movement. I would argue for a more streamlined, less bureaucratic immigration system that respects individual rights while maintaining necessary security measures.
1. The state should fund education by allowing dollars to follow the child through programs which protect parents' freedom to choose their child's school - public, private, or homeschool.
Strongly disagree. Parents should be allowed to choose the education system that they believe is best for their student, but if the parent wishes to avail themselves of options other than public schools, they should be freed from paying school taxes and be able to use that money to fund the alternate education option of their choice.
1. Children are the most vulnerable members of society and must be protected from abuse, including gender ideology, grooming, and bodily mutilation.
Agree. Vulnerable individuals, including children, should be safeguarded from physical, emotional, or psychological harm. While I advocate for individual freedom, including bodily autonomy and the freedom to express one's gender identity, I also advocate for the importance of informed consent and protecting vulnerable individuals, such as children, from decisions that they may not fully understand. This extends to ensuring that medical procedures, especially irreversible ones, are only carried out with the explicit consent of the individual involved. I advocate for a balanced approach that protects children’s rights and safety while respecting personal freedoms and parental roles.
2. Parents should have the right to make decisions for their minor children.
Agree. My position is rooted in the belief that parents are best positioned to understand and act in the best interests of their own children. But I also recognize that these rights are not absolute and must be balanced with the need to protect children from significant harm, such as in cases of severe neglect or abuse. This approach seeks to respect family autonomy while ensuring that the welfare of children is adequately safeguarded.
3. Taxpayer funds should be used to provide gender transition services.
Strongly Disagree. My position is that taxpayer funds should not be used for gender transition services, aligning with my personal belief in minimal government intervention and personal responsibility. I believe in the right of individuals to make decisions about their own bodies, including gender transition. However, I also believe in the principle that individuals should generally be responsible for financing their own personal choices.
4. Marriage is a God-ordained, sacred and legal union of one man and one woman. No government has the authority to alter this definition.
Strongly Disagree. Individuals should have the freedom to define and enter into marriage according to their own beliefs and preferences. Marriage itself should be a personal decision rather than one strictly defined or regulated by the state or by religious institutions. This means respecting individuals' rights to marry in various forms, including same-sex marriage, and not imposing a singular definition of marriage. As such, there should be a clear separation between religion and state, meaning that government should not enforce or endorse religious definitions or doctrines.
5. Briefly describe your spiritual beliefs and values.
I am a practicing member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I believe in the importance of strong family relationships, and that we should help those in need, and engage in community service and humanitarian efforts. I place a high value on personal responsibility and self-reliance, including being financially prudent, caring for myself and my family, and contributing to the welfare of my community. And even though I believe these ideas, I do not believe that everyone MUST follow my beliefs. As long as they are not harming someone else through force or threat of force, everyone has, and should always have, the ability to determine their own beliefs and values, and respect that others may not hold the same beliefs or values.
Elections and Voting
1. People should be able to vote without photo identification.
Disagree. I advocate for a balance that ensures both accessibility and security without imposing excessive bureaucratic hurdles. I believe that stringent ID requirements imposed by government regulations, including requiring photo identification, can create barriers to voting, particularly for those who might not have easy access to identification documents. I believe that voting in any election should be as accessible as possible in order to encourage civic participation.
2. States should join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact which makes the Electoral College irrelevant.
Strongly disagree. I believe that the Electoral College is well-designed, but very badly executed. At the heart of this dilemma is the "winner-take-all" rule, which I want to eliminate here in Texas. This rule essentially turns Texas into just another "fly over" state. The rule itself only benefits one group, and that's the reason I want to eliminate it: because I believe that ALL of Texas's voters deserve a voice in who they want to be the President of our great nation. It's the difference between a bull and a steer. Only two states are bulls - Maine and Nebraska - because they still have their giant brass ones to play the electoral game by its original rules and distribute their votes using "the Congressional District Method." The other 48 states are just steers, unable to do anything except throw their castrated weight around as if they have something to prove.
1. Is racism a threat to domestic security in the United States? Why or why not?
No. Racism is a moral and ethical issue rather than a matter of government regulation. The state should not infringe on individual freedoms, even in the case of racist beliefs or actions, as long as they do not directly harm others or infringe on their rights. Primary focus should instead be given to addressing actual threats to security such as criminal activities and foreign threats, rather than attempting to regulate attitudes or ideas. To do otherwise is to allow government overreach.
2. I agree with Critical Race Theory (CRT) which asserts that the institutions in the United States are fundamentally racist.
Neutral. CRT may provide insights into systemic issues, but its focus on group-based analysis shifts the focus away from individual responsibility and merit. Its approach to analyzing social issues perpetuates division rather than focusing on individual equality. People should be judged by their actions rather than their group identity, and including aspects of CRT into government policies or educational mandates is a threat to individual freedom and an infringement on free thought and expression.
3. Biological males should not be allowed to participate in women's sports or occupy biological women's spaces whether it be bathrooms, locker rooms, sorority houses, women's shelters, or prison.
Neutral. Sports organizations should be free to set their own rules and policies regarding participation as long as they respect individual rights and freedoms. They should determine eligibility criteria based on their own standards and should be free to establish their own rules ensuring fair competition. Property owners should have the discretion to decide how their facilities are used and by whom as long as they are transparent about their policies and respect the rights of all individuals involved.
Energy & Environment
1. Which comes closest to your view? (Select all that apply) A) Stricter environmental laws and regulations cost too many jobs and hurt the economy. B) Stricter environmental laws and regulations are worth the cost. C) Stricter environmental laws undermine U.S. energy independence and deter development of reliable electricity sources. D) Climate change is real and requires urgent policy action.
A & D. Libertarians emphasize the importance of economic freedom and innovation while being cautious about the negative impacts of extensive governmental interventions. Innovations driven by profit motives can address environmental issues more efficiently. Strict environmental regulations can lead to job losses and hinder economic growth by increasing operational costs for businesses. Research and development in clean energy technologies can be more effective than imposing strict regulations.
2. What do you believe is the most reliable energy source that will supply the growing demand for electricity?
Until nuclear fusion technology matures, our best option is to continue to rely on fossil fuels, particularly natural gas with its lower carbon emissions compared to coal and its flexibility in balancing intermittent renewable sources.
About You
1. Have you ever been penalized for sexual misconduct in either civil or criminal court? If so, please explain.
2. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? If so, please explain.
3. What do you think is the general purpose of government?
Government's primary role is to protect individual rights, including life, liberty, and property. This means enforcing laws that prevent coercion, fraud, and violence, and upholding contracts and property rights. People should be free to pursue their own goals and make their own choices as long as they do not infringe on the rights of others, and government should not interfere in their personal lives or economic activities unless it is to protect individuals from harm.
4. When you consider your views on a wide range of issues from economic and social matters to foreign policy and religious liberty, which of the following best describes you overall? Very Conservative; Conservative, Lean Conservative; Moderate; Lean Liberal; Liberal; Very Liberal.
Moderate. The Libertarian political stance is distinct from traditional political positions. Socially, we value individual freedom and personal choice, supporting policies such as drug legalization, same-sex marriage, and free speech. Valuing individual autonomy and privacy, we oppose government intervention in personal lives or social behavior. Our conservative approach to economic policy is demonstrated in our support of free markets, private property, individual entrepreneurship, and minimal taxation.
Criminal Justice & Public Safety
1. I support redirecting funds from police departments to community programs.
Disagree. Redirecting funds within government programs does not lead to better outcomes. Improving community safety and well-being should involve private efforts and voluntary initiatives rather than government funding and intervention. I favor a more limited role for police in daily life, and reforms focusing on reducing the scope of police work, such as decriminalizing certain offenses or limiting police involvement in non-criminal matters, while encouraging alternative approaches to community support.
2nd Amendment
1. What restrictions on gun ownership are needed to protect public safety?
Access to firearms is crucial to self-defense and personal security, so excessive regulations infringe upon individual rights and may not address issues of public safety. Enforcing laws related to violent crime and addressing societal issues that contribute to crime can be more effective than imposing restrictions on gun ownership. Overly restrictive gun laws reduce the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves while doing little to disarm criminals who do not follow the law.
2. Should teachers be allowed to carry guns at school?
Teachers, if properly trained and willing, should have the option to carry firearms as part of their responsibility to protect themselves and their students. Local communities and school boards are better equipped to address their own security needs, but a balanced approach needs to be emphasized to ensure that such policies are implemented effectively and responsibly.